If I aim to keep you in vegetables all year long, I have a lot of learning to do about winter growing. The conference is getting me off to a good start with a whole day full of discussion and presentation on the topic. I will tell you what I learned the first day next time!
This week, I also completed the general field plans for the coming season. This is just the start of my planstravaganza! One of my jobs in the winter is to make a clear enough outline of the things to come so that Summer Helen doesn't have to make a lot of decisions. The goal is to mentally walk through the activities that will happen this season and make sure that Summer Helen will have all the tools and information needed to make the best choices. Now I will decide how soon the weed the carrots after they are seeded. And how I will deal with the onslaught of critters that will also want to enjoy our vegetables. We will make contingency plans for possible missteps. We will make signs, think of recipes, streamline data entry, and the mailmerge. We will repair our equipment and fabricate new equipment. All this and more so in the flurry of the the summer fury, all she has to do is keep her head down and work, plodding (or sprinting) along the path carefully laid by Winter Helen, prioritizing based on predetermined quantifiers. I am so excited to be doing that now. To finally be laying the groundwork of our life farm. Of course, in order for the season to be a true experience, some off script things must happen. And cheesily enough, I am excited for that too.
We are all writing the stories that make our lives. No time not to love any of it.