A window into the production path of your food.
Well, the grand majority of our vegetable population survived the first deep freeze of 2019. I am impressed. Purportedly the temperature dropped to negative 12 degrees Fahrenheit, and this after a more reasonable low of negative 3 degrees! We are in the process of obtaining and placing thermometers about our farm. Data, data, data, however, even without this home furnished data, I trust that temperature to be accurate to within a few degrees. Bitter, that is the word for a temperature like that. It wasn't the last of it though. Next week, the temperatures will creep back down and there will be more snow. So, get out your skis, snow shoes, and ice skates. Get your mind in gear for bundling up and getting out there. There is joy to be had in this alternate universe that we call winter.
To note:
Stockbridge Farm Members: The next pick up is Tuesday, January 29th. Please look for your order forms and complete them by Monday morning at 9 am.
We will be in Shed five (inside!) at Eastern Market. Look for our expansive and joyous vegetable display.
No Ann Arbor Saturday this coming week. With the single digit temperatures for a portion of the day, plus blustery winds, we have decided to forgo the foray this week. Stay posted for next week!
Returning to a simple shredded vegetable recipe that never disappoints. I eat delicious scoops of this in the morning with my breakfast fare.
Shredded carrots, apple, and watermelon radish: Wash! Grate carrots and apples. I don't even cut the apple, just apply it to the grater and go to the core. Thinly slice the watermelon radish. Toss it all together with powdered ginger, a pinch of salt, a little black pepper, and some lemon juice. It satisfies every time.
Thoughts and rambles:
I don't know if you folks know it yet, but we are scaling up, again. We have added two, large markets to our line up while business continues to improve at our existing markets. This brings with it all sorts of growing pains. We need additional market vehicles, additional storage, additional people, and we need to grow more food. We are attacking these tasks voraciously. Just today, Jim drove to Ohio through this icy mess, to look at another sprinter van. The prospect looks good and we will hopefully check that acquisition off the list within the week.
Interviewing has become a domineering part of our lives. It is exciting to have so many wonderful applicants interested in working with us. Jim has been carrying out the phone interviews and checking references and I am about to start lining up the work interviews. At least this year we start off with one returning staff member taking of a full-time position (Lizz!) and one taking on a part-time position (Brianna!). I have never had returning staff before and it is so exciting that people are gathering with us to build this farm. This farm that will become all of our farm as is the dream.
Taking on an additional farmers' market for the winter has been wonderful. We were able to sell many of the field greens that otherwise would have stayed in the field. And we are meeting lots of new people. The downside of this impulsive expansion is that our carefully planned stores of vegetables, with numbers taiilored to a single market, are dwindling due to the doubled exodus from our cooler. Bear with us this winter while our supplies may decline for the months of March and April, just remember, this gives us all the more time to really prepare for increased harvests in the early spring. This year we are hoping to put up some more caterpillar tunnels and seed them for early harvests of carrots, salad greens, turnips and more. These are incipient plans, however keep them in the crooks of your mind and cheer them on with us.
In my non-work life, I have been restoring my good habits to good working order. Eating food that makes me happy- shredded carrot and apple, an egg from a farmer friends flock, delicious toast from bakers that I love. Lighting candles. Cleaning up after myself- one of the less glamorous habits that needs to be restored. One of my favorite habits that I am trying to cultivate is to simply experience the world. Every walk I take, I try to push the static of decisions and concerns, analysis and debate, towards the back of my mind (or out of it for that matter) so that I can exist as just myself, so that I don't have to look through that fog. I don't have to think of all the factors, every moment. If I put them down, they will be there when I return to pick them up again. In this practice, I make a point of noting one interesting thing that the world is doing. The picture of the tunnels in the snow was the product of one of these walks, as were the ice crystals. Mindfulness doesn't require pictures however. Join me in enjoying the world.
Keep warm and see you this weekend.
Helen writing for the Lake Dividers
- Looking to join our CSA or renew your membership? Find more details here. The basics? Open an account with us, get a bonus, and use your account to purchase produce with us at any of our markets. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask.
- We are hiring! We have 3 full-time and 3 part-time positions opening up for the 2019 season. You can find details about the jobs on our website here. If you or anyone you know may be interested, please send us an email or pass along the information.
- We are accepting workshares both on the farm and at market. Please email for details.
Fresh From the Field!
Greens: (Limited):Arugula!
Head lettuce!
All manner of deliciousness:
Cabbage- running low!
Kohlrabi- beautiful meal sized kohlrabi and tender petite
Sweet potatoes! White and orange fleshed!
Radishes: Classic (with greens! May be limited), White Daikon, Green Daikon, and Watermelon radish
Turnips: Purple top and golden roasting turnips!
Markets, always rain or shine!All good things come to an end: The Wednesday Ann Arbor Farmers' market and the Saturday Chelsea market will return in May after a winter haitus.
Saturday: Ann Arbor and Detroit's Eastern Market
The Ann Arbor Market is located in the Kerrytown District at 315 Detroit St, Ann Arbor, MI. The market runs from May thru December, 7 am to 3 pm and January thru April from 8 am to 3 pm.
The Eastern Market in Detroit is located about a mile northeast of downtown. It covers about 43 acres, bounded by I-75 on the West and Gratiot Avenue on the South. It runs year round from 6am – 4pm