For another thing, working with the crew has been wonderful. The week blurred together into one great conglomerate of accomplishment. A lot of the field clean up, long overdue from last fall, got checked right off the list. We managed to get the new hoop house prepped for planting. And we prepped our new herb area! Tucked in the microclimate between hoop house one and hoop house two, perennial herbs like rosemary, thyme, and sage will thrive! (we hope)
We also got some tractor work in. We prepared the field that we now call New Jersey, because its shape bears likeness to the state. In the picture you are looking from North Jersey. Tomorrow, if all goes according to plan, we will be planting our first round of kale and cabbage, straight into North NJ!!!
Yesterday I went to the NRCS office and talked to our agent. He is helping us with a fertility management program. I learned a few things about managing our fields and interpreting our soil tests and, he even agreed to come out and look at our soil tests this fall and help us make some decisions about how to best support our soils!
And on top of all that, let me say again, spring y'all, spring.
See you at Market!!!!
The Lake Divide Farm Crew
Green Garlic!
Kale (limited)
Kohlrabi: Beastly beauties. I have been cubing and roasting them and can't get enough
Micro Greens- Spicy mix
Micro greens- Mild mix
Potatoes: delicious buttery gold ones and fingerlings!
*We send this email out before harvest, and although we do our very best to make accurate predictions, crops and quantities found at market may vary.
Markets, always rain or shine!
Saturday: Ann Arbor
The Ann Arbor Market is located in the Kerrytown District at 315 Detroit St, Ann Arbor, MI. The market runs from May thru December, 7 am to 3 pm and January thru April from 8 am to 3 pm.