A window into the production path of your food.
It was hard to imagine two weeks ago, but the fields are DRY! And I don't mean pleasantly dry. I mean, we have moved from drowning to parched. This seems to be a normal part of our cycle here, although this spring's soggy period seemed to last longer. It seems as though we will be irrigating for the foreseeable future.
To note:
NO NORTHVILLE THIS WEEK! The market is closed for the fourth of July. Come on out and get your celebration goods Wednesday at the Ann Arbor Kerrytown market.
One part-time opportunity remains! Want to work on the farm part-time? We have one 20-30 hour/week position open. Send us an email if you are interested! Or, if not you, send our information to someone you know that might be interested! Help us cast a wide net!
Our markets this week:
Wednesday: Ann Arbor!
Thursday: NO NORTHVILLE THIS WEEK! Back next week!
Friday: Stockbridge
Saturday: Eastern Market, Ann Arbor, Royal Oak, Chelsea
A Note About White Lotus:
While we won't personally be at the White Lotus Farm Cart, you can still find our produce there. That means you can do your vegetable shopping in paradise, if you so choose! Head on out, get some garlic scapes and feta cheese! Get some Delicious bread and squash to grill and put upon it!
Fennel, with its wild shape and licorice flavor, is a fantastic vegetable. It aids with digestion and sliced thinly and eaten raw, offers a sweet treat. I love it roasted.
Roasted Fennel
- Fennel
- Salt, pepper, and oil
Variations- add parmesan in the end, add apple cider vinegar, add any kind of nut or cranberries, other vegetables! Roasting a collection of random vegetables is one of my absolute favorites!
What to do with the fronds? I used the thicker part like I would celery. They are great sauteed or added to soups. You can also make a refreshing pesto or freeze them to use while making vegetable stock later.
Food for thought:
The whirlwind is truly beginning now. We are planting, harvesting, preppping and irrigating. This week we are really hoping to catch up. There are a few things in our favor:
The borrowed tractor. First of all, let's all just take a minute to agree on how amazing it is that someone would lend us a tractor. Not a brief lending period, but from now through November. That is AMAZING. And it is so welcomed. With all the work we have put in on our farmall, it still has a sticky valve in the hydraulic system and it needs more time than we have right now. This cultivation tractor may as well be wearing a cape and some underpants on the outside of its pants because it is a hero. The tractor itself is an Allis G. There were under 30,000 of them made, all between 1948 ad 1955. They were designed specifically for cultivating vegetables and they do a great job of it. The driver is able to look straight down at the bed below the tractor and see what is going on.
A new hire. Kara joined us full time last Thursday and she is getting up to speed quickly. She has lots of greenhouse experience and is familiar with plant and physical work. Having another set of hands around is making a massive difference for the farm. Planting, weeding and harvest all gets done at a greater rate. AND she is quick to laugh which lightens everyone's spirits.
No market on Thursday: While we are always sad to miss folks at market, this extra day, that we have a full crew on the farm, and we don't have to harvest and pack for it, well, it just sets us up to use all the time to get some stuff done!
Wish us luck on this wildly hot week, have a happy and safe fourth of July, and come see us at market!
Helen writing for the Lake Dividers
Good for the Earth, Good for the Farmers, Good for the People. The Trifecta of sustainability. Good for the earth: Taking care of the natural world is a important, after all, it takes care of us; Good for the farmer: We believe farmers should have livable hours and livable wages; Good for the people: We believe in food equality and bringing our produce to market at an affordable price and keeping it accessible is important to us.
- Looking to join our CSA or renew your membership? Find more details here. The basics? Open an account with us, get a bonus, and use your account to purchase produce with us at any of our markets. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask.
- We are hiring! We have 1 spot left for the 2019 season. You can find details on our website here. If you or anyone you know may be interested, please send us an email or pass along the information.
- We are accepting workshares both on the farm and at market. Please email for details.
Salad Mix! (UN-limited!)
Baby Bok Choy
Microgreens: Arugula and Spicy-Wonder
Pea Shoots!
Chard: big 'ol beautiful bunches!
Head Lettuce
Kale: Beautiful bunches
All manner of deliciousness:
Beets- loose roots, great to roast with fennel!
Cabbage: Round green heads, sweet savoy, and conical sweet wonders!
Cucumbers: Green slicers! SO tasty!
Garlic Scapes! In full force! Get ready for the most delicious pesto of the year!
Napa Cabbage! Try out our quick kimchee recipe!
Snap Peas
Summer Squash: Green and Yellow Zucchini! Dense and delicious
Sweet Turnips
Coming Soon:
Carrots- I even at a few yesterday. Next week, I say, next week.
In the same location as the Saturday market, the Ann Arbor Wednesday Market is a little more laid back. If you don't want to fight the crowds. come out on Wednesday and take the chance to talk with all your farmers, chefs, and artisans.The Ann Arbor Market is located in the Kerrytown District at 315 Detroit St, Ann Arbor, MI Find us there May thru December, 7 am to 3 pm.
Thursday: Northville NO NORTHVILLE THIS WEEK!
The Northville Market is located at the corner of 7 Mile and Sheldon Roads. It runs May thru October, 8 am - 3 pm
Friday: Stockbridge
The Stockbridge Open Air Market is located on the square in downtown Stockbridge. It runs from May thru October from 4 pm - 7 pm
Saturday: Ann Arbor, Chelsea, Detroit's Eastern Market, The White Lotus Farm Cart and Royal Oak Market
The Ann Arbor Market is located in the Kerrytown District at 315 Detroit St, Ann Arbor, MI. The market runs from May thru December, 7 am to 3 pm and January thru April from 8 am - 3 pm.
The Chelsea Farmers' Market is located in the Palmer Commons at 304 S. Main St.. It runs May thru October (then moves inside thru December!) from 8 am - 1 pm.
The Eastern Market in Detroit is located about a mile northeast of downtown. It covers about 43 acres, bounded by I-75 on the West and Gratiot Avenue on the South. It runs year round from 6am – 4pm
The Royal Oak Market is an indoor market located at 316 E Eleven Mile Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48067. It runs year round from 7am - 1pm.