A window into the production path of your food.
We seeded our last round of carrots last week and have been keeping the soil moist to aid in their germination. Along with those, we seeded chard, parsnips, turnips, radishes, salad mix, spinach, choi, cilantro, dill, along with our favorite brassica greens (arugula, tatsoi, mizuna, mustard, and Tokyo bekana). I can't wait for all that fall goodness. Today we are preparing to plant our last round of cabbage, broccoli, and kohlrabi, plus our fall kale and chard and some more fennel. I don't believe that fall is on the way. While I can't wait for all the glory of the fall harvest, a lot has to happen between now and then. Like eating many, many tomatoes, stir-frying as much eggplant as possible, and roasting peppers. Yes.
And along with that, all the planting, cultivating, and nurturing, harvesting and storing, that goes along with August on a vegetable farm. It is a busy month.
Also this week, Jim carried on with our new tradition of having him fix many things. He repaired an old commercial walk-behind mower that we traded for with a neighbor for. He is working on moving the disc repair forward. That's right, a new break. See the picture. Learning to weld is in his future. When that happens, all bets are off. I am voting for a watchtower.
And on a more human note, I went canoeing this past weekend! First I went out Saturday with some friends. It was the first time I got off the farm for a while and it was wonderful! We are so lucky to live close to so many diverse natural areas and so much water. The water lilies were blooming and so was the button bush. We saw a muskrat! The next day, I went back with some peanut butter sandwiches and binoculars and really settled in. It was a restorative weekend. Everyone needs one sometimes and it is a good thing that we got a little before steeling for The Long End Of Summer.
On a market note, Northville was excellent and you can expect to see us there weekly for the rest of the season.
Hope to see you at markets this week!

Helen writing for the Lake Dividers
Fresh From the Field!
Greens:Kale: flat leaf, green curly, and red curly
Microgreens: Spicy and mild.
Shoots: LIMITED- Sunflower shoots. We ran out of seed and so will miss one week of harvest. But never fear! They will be back big time next week. In the meantime, if they are one of your must haves, I recommend getting to market early.
Swiss Chard
Basil- it is still pesto time!!
Dill and dill flowers
Parsley: The stems of the curly parsley are incredibly sweet!
All manner of deliciousness:
Broccoli: LIMITED
Cabbage and Napa cabbage. Have you ever made a stir-fry with napa cabbage? I really recommend it.
Garlic nice and fresh
Eggplant: LIMITED- Still coming to its full potential.
NEW Onions: petite and pungent. FYI most of our onions are going to be on the small side this year. They are perfect for roasts, salsas, pickling, sandwiches, salads, and of course, for eating.
Peppers: Green bells and friers
Hot peppers: LIMITED - hungarian hot wax, cayenne, jalepeno, and poblano
Shishitos: LIMITED - Toss in hot oil with the lid on while the pop, remove from heat and toss in salt, then eat the whole thing minus the stem!
Tomatoes: Really coming into their own this week. Tomato sale season will be upon us before we know it!
Cherry Tomatoes!!
Summer squash- May be limited
Markets, always rain or shine!Wednesday: Ann Arbor
The Ann Arbor Market is located in the Kerrytown District at 315 Detroit St, Ann Arbor, MI. The market runs from May thru December, 7 am to 3 pm and January thru April from 8 am to 3 pm.
Thursday: Northville
The Northville market is located at 195 Main St, Northville, MI 48167 and it runs May thru October, 8 am to 3 pm.
Friday: Stockbridge
The Stockbridge Open Air Market is located on the square in downtown Stockbridge. It runs from May thru October from 4 pm to 7 pm
Saturday: Ann Arbor and Chelsea
The Ann Arbor Market is located in the Kerrytown District at 315 Detroit St, Ann Arbor, MI. The market runs from May thru December, 7 am to 3 pm and January thru April from 8 am to 3 pm.
The Chelsea Farmers' Market is located in the lower library lot along Park St. It runs May thru October from 8 am to 1 pm.
Sunday: Howell
The Howell Farmers' market can be found in the heart of Howell at State st and Clinton st, adjacent to the historic Livingston County Courthouse. It runs May thru October, 9 am to 2 pm.