To note:
Saturday Ann Arbor Customers! Ahoy! We will likely be in the sand lot again! We will set up our orange-legged tents and put up our sign. PLEASE LOOK FOR US! I promise, we are there :) If you can't find us, ask in the office!
Tomatoes: There is still time for sauce! A brief respite from the impending cool is upon us. The sale continues! See below:
Delightful firsts!
If you get over 5 pounds, the price is $2.50/pound (three bursting quarts for $13-$14).
If you go over 10 pounds, the price is $2.00/pound (about six quarts!).
We also have seconds for sale, any amount for $2.00.
You could score a whole tray of delicious heirloom tomatoes for just $20! Get more than 2 trays, that price goes down to just $15/tray.
Our markets this week:
Wednesday: Ann Arbor
Thursday: Northville
Friday: Stockbridge
Saturday: Eastern Market, Ann Arbor, Royal Oak, Chelsea
With roasted squash, you can't go wrong. Our squash this year is FABULOUS, smooth and flavorful! Eating it is one of the easiest and nicest things you can do for yourself this week. Although the recipe below calls out Delicata, acorn, dumpling squash. this recipe can be the kick off to many a wintersquash recipe.
Roasted Delicata, Acorn, or Dumpling Squash:
- Olive oil or oil of choice
- 1 or 2 squash
- salt, pepper to taste (you can add butter, honey, ginger, whatever you like really!)
- Cut the Squash in half.
- Heat the oven to 350
- Cut the squash in half and coat it in oil, leaving the seeds in
- Place it, cut side down on a pan and put the pan in the oven
- Roast until fork tender (about 45 minutes)
- Flip the squash over, scoop out the seeds, add toppings or fillings (butter, honey, and salt for me - or - black beans and rice!)
Food for thought:
Ask and you shall receive was true in this case. We got a substantial amount of rain and it has everything growing nicely. And what are we getting into this week? A little more seeding, a little more , a little more deconstruction, a little more construction. All on the path.
In big exciting news, one of the new tools we got this year- the basket weeder- is a real hero. It is 2 sets of 3 wheel shaped baskets mounted on a frame with a rotating axle going through them, one in front of the other. It is attached underneath the tractor and can be raised and lowered. When they are lowered to the ground, they rotate, with their basket wires cutting just underneath the soil, flipping weeds to their doom. It allows us to weed between our four rows of crops with ease and a little terror- in a bump, you could just as easily destroy your crop. However, it is worth the risk! It can do the weeding of a human at six times the speed! Check out our instagram for a video of its success. You may wonder if we are now concerned that the machines are going to steal our jobs. Nope, there is plenty of work to go around.
See ya at market!
Helen writing for the Lake Dividers: Jim, Lizz, Janet, Malcolm, Mattie, Cody, Sean, Alic, Doug, Kathryn, and Shana!
Good for the Earth, Good for the Farmers, Good for the People. The Trifecta of sustainability. Good for the earth: Taking care of the natural world is a important, after all, it takes care of us; Good for the farmer: We believe farmers should have livable hours and livable wages; Good for the people: We believe in food equality and bringing our produce to market at an affordable price and keeping it accessible is important to us.
- Looking to join our CSA or renew your membership? Find more details here. The basics? Open an account with us, get a bonus, and use your account to purchase produce with us at any of our markets. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask.
- We are accepting workshares both on the farm and at market. Please email for details.

Collard Greens- That recipe from last week was fantastic!
Kale- from our new fall planting!
Mustard- Back before you know it!
Pea Shoots
Swiss Chard
All manner of deliciousness:
Napa cabbage
Cucumbers- limited
Garlic- For me, these juicy cloves go in just about EVERYTHING!
Ground Cherries! Nature's candies wrapped in a husk. You tell us what they taste like!
Kohlrabi- Economy-sized and tender apple sized.
Onions- Cippolinis and tasty reds
Fingerling potatoes
Peppers- friers and bells!
Hot peppers: Hungarian hot wax, Jalepenos, and Poblanos
Shishito Peppers: Delicious Japanese friers. Great on the grill, great blistered in a pan, great roasted. Eat the whole thing but the stem!
Snack peppers!
Radishes: Just a few for this week!
Sweet Turnips! Back for the fall. This first returning round had some tough competition (weeds) so may not be as abundant as everyone would like, but we have a few more rounds coming!
Cherry Tomatoes
Wintersquash! Not just for winter- Delicata, dumpling, and acorn!
Zucchini: Green and Yellow
Parsley is back!Coming Soon:Rosemary
All those tasty greens- Arugula, choy, mustard, tokyo bekana!
Winter radishes! I'm talking watermelon radishes, as well as green, purple, and white daikon!
This weeks Markets
Wednesday: Ann Arbor
In the same location as the Saturday market, the Ann Arbor Wednesday Market is a little more laid back. If you don't want to fight the crowds. come out on Wednesday and take the chance to talk with all your farmers, chefs, and artisans.The Ann Arbor Market is located in the Kerrytown District at 315 Detroit St, Ann Arbor, MI Find us there May thru December, 7 am to 3 pm.
Thursday: Northville
The Northville Market is located at the corner of 7 Mile and Sheldon Roads. It runs May thru October, 8 am - 3 pm
Friday: Stockbridge
The Stockbridge Open Air Market is located on the square in downtown Stockbridge. It runs from May thru October from 4 pm - 7 pm
Saturday: Ann Arbor, Chelsea, Detroit's Eastern Market, The White Lotus Farm Cart and Royal Oak Market
The Ann Arbor Market is located in the Kerrytown District at 315 Detroit St, Ann Arbor, MI. The market runs from May thru December, 7 am to 3 pm and January thru April from 8 am - 3 pm.
The Chelsea Farmers' Market is located in the Palmer Commons at 304 S. Main St.. It runs May thru October (then moves inside thru December!) from 8 am - 1 pm.
The Eastern Market in Detroit is located about a mile northeast of downtown. It covers about 43 acres, bounded by I-75 on the West and Gratiot Avenue on the South. It runs year round from 6am – 4pm
The Royal Oak Market is an indoor market located at 316 E Eleven Mile Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48067. It runs year round from 7am - 1pm.