One of the best times to seed cover crop is right before it rains because we don't irrigate it and rely entirely on agreeable weather. This round is all buckwheat, a fast growing broadleafed plant that may make you think of pancakes. We don't harvest our buckwheat though. We let it grow and grow it does. It puts out its leaves quickly, shading out other plants (weeds!) and foraging in the soil to bring up nutrients that are otherwise inaccessible. Then, just before it flowers, we mow it and then turn it back into the soil, adding organic matter. Adding organic matter is one of the best ways to add stability to your soil. Because organic matter is so spongy, a soil with high organic matter content can more easily withstand drought as well as downpours. It will also holds onto more nutrients, providing better nutrition for our crops and ultimately, you!
The best part about seeding our cover crops was using our new-old seeder! It was a hand-me-down from another farmer and Jim rigged it up so it mounts on the farmall. It was a giant step up from trudging around the field with a hand spinner, reducing our legs to rubber. We saved time and energy and I think got a more even seeding rate, however, that remains to be seen.
We have more items at market this week, however, get those spring greens while you can. You may have noticed that "spring" turned up the heat this year. For our greens in the brassica family (arugula, mizuna, mustard, tatsoi, and tokyo bekana) this encourages them to stop creating luscious leaves and start making flowers. We will have those greens this week but I don't know how long they will withstand the temps. We should continue to be a reliable sources of head lettuce, salad mix (new this week!!), and microgreens.
The heat should break today and I am sure we are all looking forward to it! See you at market!
Helen and The Lake Dividers
Head lettuce
Micro Greens- Spicy mix
Micro greens- Mild mix
Mustard (limited)
Salad Mix
Tokyo Bekana
Tomato Transplants (limited)
*We send this email out before harvest, and although we do our very best to make accurate predictions, crops and quantities found at market may vary.
Markets, always rain or shine!
Wednesday: Ann Arbor
The Ann Arbor Market is located in the Kerrytown District at 315 Detroit St, Ann Arbor, MI. The market runs from May thru December, 7 am to 3 pm and January thru April from 8 am to 3 pm.
Thursday: Jackson
The Jackson Green Market at Allegiance Health is located at East Michigan Avenue and Waterloo Street. It runs from May through October 9 am to 2 pm
Friday: Stockbridge
The Stockbridge Open Air Market is located on the square in downtown Stockbridge. It runs from May thru October from 4 pm to 7 pm
Saturday: Ann Arbor and Chelsea
The Ann Arbor Market is located in the Kerrytown District at 315 Detroit St, Ann Arbor, MI. The market runs from May thru December, 7 am to 3 pm and January thru April from 8 am to 3 pm.
The Chelsea Farmers' Market is located in the lower library lot along Park St. It runs May thru October from 8 am to 1 pm.
Sunday: Howell
The Howell Farmers' market can be found in the heart of Howell at State st and Clinton st, adjacent to the historic Livingston County Courthouse. It runs May thru October, 9 am to 2 pm.