Stockbridge Farm Members! You can preorder using this link:
*Non Stockbridge members that need to pre-order for medical reasons can email for information.
Keep coming out to the market to support your local growers!
Your farmers: Foster, Helen, Jim, Amy (in spirit), Shana, Elisa, Asia, Tyler, and Nicole: The Lake Dividers!
Lake Divide Farm: Good for the Earth, Good for the Farmers, Good for the People. The Trifecta of sustainability. Good for the earth: Taking care of the natural world is a important, after all, it takes care of us; Good for the farmer: We believe farmers should have livable hours and livable wages; Good for the people: We believe in food equality and bringing our produce to market at an affordable price and keeping it accessible is important to us.
In this email:
- Generally important notes-
- Stockbridge Folks Order here:
- We are looking for good crew candidates. If you would like to keep your name in the hat, please send us an email!
- Fresh From the Field
- Staying active and engaged with social change!
- Market Details
- CSA members- what to do if your account is low
Kale- Green Curly, Red Curly, and Tender Red Russian
Pea Shoots
All Manner of Deliciousness
Cabbage- Round green and sweet cone!
Eggplant- asian and italian
Garlic- fresh and tasty
Kohlrabi- green and red
Bell Peppers
Hot Peppers (limited)
Shishito Peppers (just starting out)
Cherry tomatoes- Orange and Red in full effect!
Tomatoes (limited?)
Zucchini- green and golden zucchini (limited)
Basil- pesto, basil water, squash and basil
Dill with flowers (limited)
Coming Soon:
All the Peppers!
Staying Active: Something to keep the gears of progress engaged: Last update May 13th, 2021
While the movement keeps moving, I struggle to keep up with updating the list. This doesn't mean that this work is any less important.
There are a lot of good seeds here. We need to keep working to raise them up. I will continue to add resources as they come up.
Keep learning, listening, speaking up, and showing up. We have to continue providing energy for change. There is much to be done. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.
If you come across resources, readings, or movements that you feel are powerful, please send them our way so we can share them.
I have included below a couple links to readings and some ideas on how to work towards racial equity within your community as well as links to some places where dollars can make a difference.
Because the Michigan Library Association had so much great information, I have linked to their Racial Equity Resources page here. You will find a wide range of resources including books, films, action plans, and organizations.
Another good resource: Racial Equity Tools
To read: Definitely use the MLPP list for this (linked above). They have some many valuable reads listed there.
Read books by people of color and indigenous people. There are many great booklists to be found.
Anti Racism books for children- from Book Beat in Royal Oak.
This blog also included a few resources to help children cope with crises. Specifically the National Black Children Development Institute's "An Activity Book for African American Families: Helping Children Cope with Crises."
Soul Fire Farm's Food Sovereignty Action Steps: “If we are not acting to change the system, we are complicit, casting our silent vote to maintain the status quo.” The following food sovereignty action steps were compiled by the Soul Fire Farm community and Northeast Farmers of Color alliance It is divided into seven sections
To Listen and Watch:
There are so many TED talks on talking about race and racism, race, race relations, and the history of racism. Here is one to get you started.
What I am learning from my white grandchildren -- truths about race | Anthony Peterson | TEDxAntioch
Ted Talks on Racism
Something to do:
<>The 21 day Racial Equity Challenge I still recommend it!
<>Organize a reading group.
<> Show up! Detroit Will Breathe has been marching for Justice daily since March. While they are not marching daily now, they are very active. Check their website for their schedule
<> Join an organization: A few listed below, again more can be found on the Michigan Library Association's website
- Be the Bridge, led by Latasha Morrison at Be the Bridge
- EmbraceRace
- GARE – Government Alliance on Race and Equity
How to Have a Respectful Conversation About Racial Justice
If you come across a good community organizing tool kit, please send it our way so we can share it.
To contribute monetarily:
Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's History. 100% of Zinn Education Project funding comes from individuals.
The Zinn Education Project promotes and supports the teaching of people’s history in classrooms across the country. For more than ten years, the Zinn Education Project has introduced students to a more accurate, complex, and engaging understanding of history than is found in traditional textbooks and curricula. With more than 110,000 people registered, and growing by more than 10,000 new registrants every year, the Zinn Education Project has become a leading resource for teachers and teacher educators.
Donate generally to Zinn to help share the People's History.
Or Donate to Zinn's campaign to send people’s history books and lessons to Mississippi teachers and librarians
Detroit Will Breathe:
While their general fundraising GoFundMe currently redirects donations to support their Federal Lawsuit fund, you can find lots of information about the work that they have been doing and what they have accomplished on that page (found here)
Here is a direct link to support their federal lawsuit. Below is a bit of what the lawsuit is about. You can read more about it on their gofundme page.
Link to copy paste if needed:
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
The NAACP is at the forefront of the movement to build political power and ensure the wellbeing of communities of color. Underscoring the advocacy of our 2,200 local units across the country, we empower our communities to make democracy work for them. Your donation to the NAACP helps further our mission to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. Donate today to become our newest monthly sustainer.
Market Details: We are at market this week
-The Ann Arbor Farmers Market, Wednesday- We will be back soon.
-The Ann Arbor Farmers Market, Saturday with Tyler and Ellen (Helen's Sister-in-law): 7 am to 3 pm (or till sold out)
-Eastern Market, shed 2, Saturday with Nicole 6 am to 2:30 pm
-Royal Oak, Saturday with Jim, Rob (Helen's brother), and Lisa! 7 am to 1 pm
-Stockbridge, Saturday on the farm with Asia and Elisa!
Preorders only please! When you get to the farm, stay in your car and shoot us a text. We will bring you your order!
If you are a CSA member and your account balance is low:
- If you want to continue on as one of our members and your balance does not cover your current order
- Order what you want
- Add money into your account either by
- Bring a check/case to market
- Mailing a check
- Letting us know you want to add to your account and we will send you an online invoice to be paid with credit card.
- If you just want to add more to your account, go for it! Use any of the methods listed above.
- If you no longer want to be a farm member
- We ask that you do not go over your balance.