In the outside realm, Jim has been working tirelessly to ready our greenhouse for the coming season. Every year we do a deep clean, making sure to get the crumbs of seasons past out of the nooks and crannies. This means emptying the greenhouse, spraying it down, sterilizing everything and returning it to its place. Why? Well, to give our transplants the best start possible. One of our biggest tools for growing delicious organic produce is to grow strong, healthy transplants. It makes them more resilient and able to recover from the shock of getting put in the field faster, compete with weeds better, and more capable of tolerating adverse conditions. Jim also patched up any breaches in the plastic and added an extra layer of plastic to the endwalls. Surprisingly, an extra layer really does make a huge difference in heat retention.
So with well on its way to spiffy and our office edging towards organization, we are on our way. Come see me tomorrow in Ann Arbor for some vegetables. Specifically, don't you really want some potatoes. They are the noodle of the soil.
Helen, Jim, Exie the dog, and the Lake Divide Farm Crew!
Cabbage: Green, red, round, crinkly, smooth, ALL DELICIOUS! Check out our pseudo-brussels-cabbage too!
Carrots: Orange, White, Yellow, and some sneaky purples (limited)
Garlic by the clove
Kohlrabi: Beastly beauties. I have been cubing and roasting them and can't get enough. I don't even peel the little ones!
Potatoes: White, red skinned, and fingerlings!
Radishes: Loose daikon, green meat (sweet daikon), black, watermelon
Winter squash: Long pie, spaghetti, butternut
Turnips- Purple Top and a sweet white ruta-turnip (limited)
*We send this email out before harvest, and although we do our very best to make accurate predictions, crops and quantities found at market may vary.
Markets, always rain or shine!
(we begin attending on dates listed above)
Saturday: Ann Arbor and Chelsea (NO Chelsea this week)
The Ann Arbor Market is located in the Kerrytown District at 315 Detroit St, Ann Arbor, MI. The market runs from May thru December, 7 am to 3 pm and January thru April from 8 am to 3 pm.
The Chelsea Farmers' Market is in the cafeteria of the Washington Street Education Center at 500 Washington Street in Chelsea, It runs November through March from 9 am to 1 pm.