We have been going full tilt (still) and finally got most of the hoop frame up. With a little more drilling and sawing, we hope to have the endwalls complete by Friday! Then, we put the cover on...
I am always thrilled with the snow, even with the extra work that it brings along. I hope that you have enjoyed it too. I love the way it changes the texture and the sounds of the world. I love how I can see where the creatures have been.
Brief indeed. Stay warm!
Beets: Loose root gems! (maybe...)
Brussels Sprouts: By the pint (maybe...)
Cabbage: Green, red, pointy, round, crinkly, smooth, ALL DELICIOUS!
Carrots: Orange, White, Yellow, and some sneaky purples
Kohlrabi: Beastly beauties. I have been cubing and roasting them and can't get enough. I don't even peel the little ones!
Potatoes: White, red skinned, and fingerlings!
Sweet Potatoes
Radishes: Loose daikon, green meat (sweet daikon), black, watermelon
Winter squash: Long pie, spaghetti, butternut
Turnips- Purple Top, golden globe, and a sweet white ruta-turnip